Sat 27-July-2024

Euro-Med slams Israeli attacks on displaced civilians trying to reach homes

Tuesday 16-April-2024


The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has condemned the Israeli army for attacking thousands of displaced Palestinian citizens as they attempted recently to return to their homes in Gaza City and northern Gaza and killing a number of them.

“The Israeli army has targeted thousands of Palestinians whom it had forcibly displaced, preventing them from going back to their areas of residence in the northern Gaza Strip by using live ammunition and artillery shells. This has resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries, including women and children, and forced the remaining Palestinians to return to their places of displacement,” Euro-Med said on Monday.

Euro-Med accused the Israeli army of deliberately attacking thousands of Palestinian civilians on Sunday, killing and wounding dozens of them and persisting in its crime of forced displacement by preventing displaced civilians from crossing from the center and south of the Gaza Strip into their areas of residence in the north, despite the end of hostilities in most of those areas.

Euro-Med described such Israeli actions as “crimes against humanity” and “war crimes.”

“Israel has been committing serious crimes for more than six months now, including forced displacement, which is intended to end Palestinian life in the Gaza Strip. These crimes are all part of Israel’s larger campaign of genocide.”

“As thousands of displaced people attempted to cross, via Wadi Gaza Bridge — an Israeli military checkpoint on the coastal road known as Al-Rashid Street — to return to their residential areas in the northern Strip, Israeli forces killed at least five Palestinians, including a woman and a girl, and injured dozens more.”

Euro-Med said it had received identical testimonies confirming that “the Israeli army forces fired tear gas bombs, live ammunition, including from quadcopter aircraft, machine guns from naval boats, and artillery shells directly and deliberately towards thousands of civilians trying to return home.”

Euro-Med called on “the international community to pressure Israel to cease all its crimes in the Strip and abide by the rules of war, which forbid the deliberate targeting of civilians under any circumstances.”

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