Sat 27-July-2024

Displacement policy

UN experts condemn forced eviction of Jerusalemite families

UN human rights experts said on Wednesday that the forced eviction and displacement of the Sob Laban family and many other Palestinian families in east Jerusalem may amount to a war crime of forcible transfer calling for backtracking on such measures immediately.

UN: Hundreds of Jerusalemites at risk of eviction from homes

Lynn Hastings UN deputy special coordinator for the Middle East peace process has warned that hundreds of Palestinian citizens in Occupied Jerusalem are facing Israeli threats of forcible eviction from their homes.

Observers warn of Israeli plan to displace dozens of Jerusalemites

Palestinian observers have warned of an Israeli plan to displace over 80 Jerusalemites in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and Silwan district before the holy month of Ramadan to make way for Jewish settlers.

IOF displaces villagers in JV to carry out military drills

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) notified four Palestinian families living in Khirbet Humsa al-Baqi’ah hamlet in the northern Jordan Valley of their intent to carry out military drills on Thursday near their homes and ordered them to leave the area.

Masafar Yatta residents hold on to their land despite Israeli measures

Palestinian citizens in Masafer Yatta south of the West Bank city of al-Khalil live under harsh conditions as most of them dwell in caves due to the denied Israeli construction permits.

60000 dunums of Masafer Yatta land threatened with appropriation

The council of Masafer Yatta villages has warned of a dire situation threatening tens of thousands of dunums of land in Masafer Yatta area which the Israeli occupation state plans to annex and expel its local residents from.

Expulsion of Bedouins constitutes grave escalation of ethnic cleansing

The Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of Jerusalem and its Sanctuaries on Wednesday warned of the escalating forcible expulsion campaigns launched by the Israeli accupation authority (IOA) against Bedouin communities in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Israel displaces Palestinian family in Negev

The Israeli authorities displaced on Sunday morning a number of Palestinian citizens from ad-Dabsan family after demolishing their tents in Umm Alaq area in the Negev desert.

OCHA: Israel displaced 55 Palestinians in two weeks

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Israeli authorities demolished seized or forced people to demolish 50 Palestinian structures mostly homes during two weeks in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

UN condemns Israel’s mass displacement of Palestinians in Yatta

The United Nations has warned that the Israeli forcible mass eviction of approximately 1200 Palestinians from their homes in the Masafer Yatta area of the occupied West Bank amounts to a “war crime.”