Sat 27-July-2024

Displacement policy

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after razing its home in Issawiya

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) displaced a Palestinian family on Wednesday morning after demolishing its house in the east Jerusalem district of Issawiya at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Masafer Yatta: A new victim of Israeli displacement policy

For years the Masafer Yatta area south of al-Khalil has been subjected to continuous Israeli attacks with the aim of displacing its people and confiscating their lands by defining it as firing zone 918.

Egypt condemns Israel’s intents to raze Palestinian villages

Egypt has strongly denounced the Israeli occupation authority’s intents to demolish a number of Palestinian villages in Masafer Yatta area in the occupied West Bank stressing that “such practices undermine the chances of reaching a two-state solution and establishing a comprehensive and just peace in the region.”

Israel displacement of Palestinians in Al-Khalil racial discrimination

The Geneva Council of Rights and Freedoms described the Israeli decision to deport hundreds of Palestinians to the south of the West Bank in preparation for the transfer of their land to Jews as "a stark example of Israel's policy of racial discrimination”.

Israeli top court lets Sheikh Jarrah families keep homes for now

The Israeli high court of justice ruled on Tuesday that four Palestinian families threatened with eviction in the occupied east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah can remain in their homes for the time being.

Israeli police attack Sheikh Jarrah sit-in arrest two citizens

The Israeli occupation police on Friday assaulted Palestinian citizens and kidnaped two of them as they rallied in solidarity with the family of Salem who is threatened with displacement from its home in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

10 Palestinian families face displacement in J’lem

10 Jerusalemite families threatened with displacement from their five-story apartment building in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of at-Tur have announced their rejection of the Israeli threats to fine them and demolish their homes.

Israeli court orders seven Sheikh Jarrah families to leave their homes

An Israeli court on Wednesday ordered seven Palestinian families to evacuate their homes in the east Jerusalem district of Sheikh Jarrah.

Activists to rally in J’lem in solidarity with Batn al-Hawa families

Jerusalemite activists have called for participating in a sit-in to be organized next Monday in solidarity with the residents of Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan district.

Israeli high court defers evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar for six months

The Israeli high court of justice on Wednesday decided to postpone a hearing on a Jewish group’s petition to evacuate the east Jerusalem village of Khan al-Ahmar for six months.