Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian prisoner Ma’tan’s health deteriorating

Thursday 8-September-2022

Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) on Thursday said that prisoner Abdul Basit Ma’tan suffers from deteriorating health conditions due to the deliberate Israeli policy of medical neglect.

“The Israeli prison administration continues to block prisoner Ma’tan from receiving medical treatment despite his deteriorating health condition” the PPS underlined adding that Ma’tan who is a colon cancer patient had undergone several operations to have part of his colon removed.

The PPS added that Ma’tan is an ex-prisoner who was arrested three months after completing his six-month prison term in addition to being deprived of receiving medical treatment abroad after his release. It asserted that cancer is likely to spread in Ma’tan’s body as the tumor was not totally removed.

In a related development the PPS said that prisoner Izz Al-Din Hamamrah has been held in solitary confinement for more than one month in addition to being denied family visits.

According to the PPS prisoner Hamamrah who is detained since 2004 has been subjected to constant transfers between detention centers and is serving nine life imprisonment sentences.

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