Sat 21-September-2024

Palestinian injured by IOF gunfire in Nablus

Monday 6-June-2022

A Palestinian young man suffered a bullet injury on Sunday evening when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him in Nablus.

According to local sources the IOF opened fire at a young man and wounded him near the Beit Furik checkpoint in eastern Nablus.

Meanwhile hordes of Jewish settlers launched attacks on Palestinian citizens and property in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Local official Moataz Bisharat said that settlers hurled rocks at Palestinian vehicles traveling on a road near the illegal settlement of Mechola in the Jordan Valley adding that some cars sustained damage in the attack.

Other settlers attacked on the same day Nabi Saleh village in northern Ramallah.

Local sources said that a group of extremist settlers escorted by soldiers rallied at the main entrance of Nabi Saleh village and tried to storm it but local residents fended them off.

In Occupied Jerusalem a number of Palestinian cars traveling on highway 1 sustained damage when settlers threw rocks at them.

In a separate incident the Israeli occupation police banished Jerusalemite activist Nafisa Khuwais from the Aqsa Mosque for one week after kidnaping her on Sunday afternoon from the holy site.

The Israeli police also assaulted a Palestinian young man and his mother before kidnaping them in Bab Hitta area in the Old City of Jerusalem.

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Palestinian injured by IOF gunfire in Nablus

Wednesday 18-January-2017

At least one Palestinian young man was injured as clashes broke out Wednesday between Israeli forces and local youths east of Nablus.

The clashes erupted when nearly 15 Israeli buses carrying hundreds of settlers stormed the city under IOF protection to perform Talmudic rituals in Youssef tomb historical site.

The 19-year-old Mohamed Hashash was shot and injured in his left hand during the clashes. He was later taken to hospital for treatment.

Two young men were also detained from their houses for being allegedly involved in the clashes.

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