Sat 21-September-2024

Al-Dyouk Al-Tahta village targeted with new Israeli demolition wave

Thursday 14-April-2022

Al-Dyouk Al-Tahta village located in Jericho in the occupied West Bank has been long targeted by Israeli demolition policy with the aim of displacing its indigenous people in profit of Israeli settlement construction.

Recently the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed the village and notified 27 houses with demolition for being built in Area C without Israeli permit.

Maan Tannous whose house was among the notified houses said that he built his 120 sqm house on a land he bought from a Palestinian family with title deeds issued by Jordan.

However he was surprised by an IOF order to demolish his house despite receiving municipal services from the Palestinian local authorities.

“I was renting a house before building this house. I’m still paying the bank loan” he added.

Tannous called on the Palestinian authorities to stand by the people of the village and provide them with the needed support and assistance.

Local activist Aref Daraghmeh said that Al-Dyouk Al-Tahta also known as Al-Sateeh is surrounded by an illegal settlement and a military camp pointing out that Israel is aiming to destroy it in profit of settlement expansion.

During the past few years approximately 8 residential homes and 13 retaining walls were demolished and dozens of Palestinian families were ordered to stop construction Daraghmeh told the PIC reporter.

Furthermore more than 60 Palestinian facilities were demolished in the village he pointed out.

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