Mon 16-September-2024

Hamas: Granting Israel observer status at African Union “shocking”

Saturday 24-July-2021

The Hamas Movement has denounced the decision to grant the Israeli occupation state “observer status” at the African Union calling it “shocking and reprehensible.”

“Such decision would confer more legitimacy on the occupation on our land and provide it with more opportunities to continue making plans to expunge the Palestinian rights and persist in its brutal crimes” Hamas said in a press release on Saturday.

The Movement expressed its regret that “the countries of the African continent which have suffered for centuries from the yoke of colonialism and racism and made sacrifices to get rid of them took such decision.”

“We have always seen the countries of this continent as a natural extension to our just struggle for freedom and independence and we still look forward to their strong and continuous support” Hamas underlined.

It asked the African countries to revoke Israel’s membership in their union and impose sanctions on Israel to pressure it to respond to the Palestinian people’s aspirations for the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the return to the homes and areas they were expelled from.

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