Wed 3-July-2024

Palestinian teen succumbs to his IOF-inflicted wounds in Ramallah

Saturday 24-July-2021

A Palestinian teenager died on Friday evening from injuries sustained in Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raid in Nabi Saleh village northwest of Ramallah.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that Muhammad At-Tamimi 17 had died of serious wounds sustained during IOF shooting at Palestinian protesters in Nabi Saleh.

Local sources reported that IOF raided the village and fired live bullets at the young men wounding Tamimi in his abdomen.

He was taken to the Martyr Yasser Arafat Hospital in Salfit where he was pronounced dead of his wounds a few hours later.

Meanwhile eyewitnesses said that IOF attacked the weekly march in Kafr Qaddoum in Qalqilia province and fired tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets at the participants.

Dozens of citizens suffered breathing problems and were treated in the field.

The march started after Friday prayer from the Omar bin Al-Khattab Mosque with the participation of hundreds of townspeople who condemned the continued attacks by IOF and Jewish settlers.

Kafr Qaddum witnesses a weekly march against settlements and against the closure of the village’s main street which has been closed for more than 18 years.

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