Wed 3-July-2024

Israeli gov’t okays establishment of Evyatar outpost in Nablus

Monday 12-July-2021

The Israeli occupation government on Sunday approved the establishment of Evyatar outpost on Mount Sobeih in southern Nablus following talks between Israeli premier Naftali Bennett and his war minister Benny Gantz.

According to Maariv newspaper the Israeli army’s civil administration started last week to make preparations for the return of Jewish settlers to Evyatar outpost.

A few days ago the Israeli occupation authority announced the evacuation of the settler outpost without removing structures and homes until it made sure that the site where the outpost was built was not owned by Palestinians.

Maariv however affirmed that the Israeli war ministry would work immediately on using the outpost as a military base before allowing the settlers to return gradually to the mount.

The site has been a point of daily friction with violent clashes breaking out between Israeli forces and Palestinians protesting its establishment on Mount Sobeih which overlooks Palestinian villages and towns.

Jewish settlers always use outposts and settlements as hotbeds for launching attacks on nearby Palestinian areas.

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