Sun 6-October-2024

Israeli forces raid section 22 of Ofer prison

Sunday 11-April-2021

Israeli prison forces stormed on Sunday section No. 22 of the Ofer prison and conducted thorough searches according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.

Prisoners in Ofer prison are subjected to continuous repression. The prisoners had previously decided to protest such repression and start a hunger strike after the failure of the dialogue with the Israeli prison service (IPS) which refused to stop the policy of repression and abuse.

The IPS continues to warn the prisoners of its intention to escalate the repression against them and has threatened to transfer and suppress those responsible for the protest steps.

Institutions related to prisoners’ affairs warned that the conditions in Ofer prison will get worse as a result of the IPS insistence not to respond to the prisoners’ just demands.

Several meetings were held with the IPS in the past period but the latter had always procrastinated in responding to the prisoners’ demands including the cessation of inspections and systematic repression against them.

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