Sun 22-September-2024

IOA forces Jerusalemite family to empty house in Silwan

Sunday 14-March-2021

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Saturday evening forced a Jerusalemite family to evacuate its home in Silwan district south of the Aqsa Mosque as a prelude to demolishing it.

Local official Khaled Abu Tayeh said that the Israeli municipality ordered the family of Ahmed Hijazi to remove its furniture and belongings from its house in Ein al-Luza neighborhood in Silwan soon before its bulldozers come to raze it.

A notice issued by the municipality justified the measure by claiming that the house was built with no permits.

Abu Tayeh added that the house had been built in 2014 and its owner Hijazi had tried since then to obtain permits but to no avail.

The Jerusalemites have no choice but to build without licenses because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in their numbers and for that reason they are denied house permits.

The IOA also imposes building restrictions on the Palestinian natives in Jerusalem and makes it hard for them to obtain construction licenses.

Israel’s systematic demolition of Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem is believed to be aimed at psychologically destroying the Jerusalemite families in an attempt to force them to move from the holy city.

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