Sun 22-September-2024

IOA displaces family in J’lem after forcing it to raze home

Tuesday 2-March-2021

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in Jerusalem on Monday forced a Jerusalemite citizen to demolish his own house in Wadi Qadum neighborhood in Silwan district south of the Aqsa Mosque.

According to local sources Nidhal as-Salaymeh started demolishing the house after police forces came to him and told him that a municipal crew would come and carry out the measure.

Salaymeh had to do such step to avoid paying fines and demolition expenses to the IOA.

Salaymeh who suffers from cancer had been living in that house since 2019 with five individuals of his family including three children.

Meanwhile the IOA also forced other Jerusalemite citizens to demolish their commercial facilities in the industrial zone in the north of the holy city. They had to do so to avoid paying thousands of shekels if Israeli municipal crews came and carried out the demolition.

Adham Abu Asneineh affirmed that the IOA forced him and his neighbors from the family of al-Rajbi to knock down and remove their commercial facilities in northern Jerusalem.

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