Wed 3-July-2024

PA asks UN SC to curb Israeli diggings near Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 12-January-2021

The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Monday called on the UN Security Council to intervene to stop Israeli excavations at the Aqsa Mosque’s walls in Occupied Jerusalem warning that such diggings are endangering the Islamic holy site’s foundations.

This came in a statement issued on Monday by the PA ministry of foreign affairs in response to a recent warning made by the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Jerusalem about Israeli diggings in al-Buraq Square and near al-Maghariba Gate of the Aqsa Mosque.

“The ministry is deeply concerned over the occupation’s diggings in al-Buraq Square and its surrounding area and sees them as a continuation of the Israeli plans aimed at Judaizing the Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity and persistence in flagrantly violating the relevant UN resolutions particularly those issued by UNESCO” its statement elaborated.

Last Sunday Jordan called on the Israeli occupation authority to stop its excavations and diggings in al-Buraq Square which is adjacent to the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

“The Israeli authorities must halt the ongoing works in al-Buraq Square and abide by their obligations as an occupying power in Jerusalem” spokesman for the Jordanian foreign ministry Dhaifallah al-Fayez said in a press release.

“Jordan’s Jerusalem Awqaf and Aqsa Mosque Affairs Administration has exclusive jurisdiction over the management of the Aqsa Mosque with its 144 dunums of land premises courtyards walls and gates in accordance with the international law and the status quo in the holy city” the spokesman added.

He also underscored that “all maintenance and restoration works at the Mosque and its surroundings are within the exclusive authority of the Jerusalem Awqaf Administration.”

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