Sat 14-September-2024

Hamas: Bahrain-Israel deal upshot of the Arab League’s weakness

Saturday 12-September-2020

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced Bahrain’s normalization deal with Israel describing it as “unacceptable” and “another product of the Arab League’s weakness.”

“What the Kingdom of Bahrain did and announced on Friday in terms of its agreement with the Zionist entity on a so-called peace and normalization deal is considered a disgrace into which another country of the Arab nation has fallen and a political setback and a major mistake by the Bahraini rulers” Hamas said in a press release on Friday.

The Movement also described the Bahrain-Israel deal as “a real threat to the security of the Arab region and injurious to the Palestinian cause.”

“Such series of steps which were initiated by the Emirati rulers and then the Bahraini rulers are deemed political crimes and reflect a dismal failure in reading the Zionist tendencies towards the region and they would contribute to endorsing the deal of the century and undermining the foundations of the Arab solidarity” Hamas said.

“In light of this agreement — which would not have been made without the fragile position of the Arab League — we assert our condemnation and rejection of this Bahraini-American declaration and we consider it a new treacherous stab in the back of the Palestinian people an act of betrayal against Palestine and Jerusalem and a step in the opposite direction of the interests of Bahrain and the Arab and Muslim nations” Hamas underlined.

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