Fri 20-September-2024

Jerusalem: Silent annexation and creeping displacement

Wednesday 15-July-2020

Demolition and displacement have become a daily occurrence that makes life difficult for Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem.

The National Committee Against the Wall and Settlement said that the Israeli authorities have already begun dividing the remaining area for Palestinians in Jerusalem estimated at 70 square kilometers and depriving citizens of building permits.

According to al-Hurriya News the Israeli authorities have issued 17000 house demolition orders and implemented 5000 operations in Jerusalem.

Creeping displacement
The National Committee said that the Israeli authorities aimed to reduce the percentage of Palestinians in Jerusalem from 40% to 12% according to Plan 2020 which was developed in 2000 but they failed to do so; therefore they tightened restrictions on the Jerusalemites by revoking 16000 ID cards and removing neighborhoods in Jerusalem as Kafr Aqab and Shu’fat camp from the city map.

MP Ahmad Attoun warned that the Israeli authorities are trying to isolate 130000 Palestinians in Jerusalem in preparation for forcing them out to pave the way for their settlement and Judaization schemes.

Attoun described the displacement of Palestinians in Jerusalem as a creeping activity that is being done gradually and silently. Given the growing number of citizens and the increasingly tightened construction restrictions the Jerusalemites will soon be forced to move outside Jerusalem he added.

“Jerusalem and its holy sites are under real threat because of this creeping displacement. If people leave it will be even worse because it’s the people who defend the city and protect its identity” Attoun stressed.

Plan 2030
Naser al-Hadmi head of the Jerusalem Anti-Judaization Committee said that Israel after failing to implement Plan 2020 launched another project named Plan 2030 which is aimed at expanding the Israeli Jerusalem municipality to include Ma’ale Adumin Gush Etzion and parts of the Jordan Valley in an area called “E1”.

Al-Hadmi explained that these projects are set to bring a dramatic change in Jerusalem by annexing all the empty areas and major settlements inhabited by large numbers of Jews around the city.

Al-Aqsa Mosque
According to al-Hadmi Plan 2030 aims to impose a new reality on al-Aqsa Mosque too. For example it includes an air train that connects al-Maghareba Gate with al-Buraq Wall and has a station near al-Asbat Wall to enable a large number of Israeli settlers to visit the Mosque.

He pointed out that Israel is taking advantage of the current circumstances and the pandemic to completely take over part of the Mosque and prevent Palestinian presence there and design special paths for Israeli settlers.

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