Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police slap new entry ban on Aqsa teacher Hanadi al-Halawani

Sunday 7-June-2020

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday issued an order banning Aqsa teacher and activist Hanadi al-Halawani from entering the Aqsa Mosque for six months.

According to local sources the Israeli police decided to slap a new entry ban on Halawani after ordering her recently to stay away from the Aqsa Mosque for one week.

Police officers detained Halawani on Friday May 29 during her presence peacefully in Bab al-Asbat near the Aqsa Mosque.

“Nothing is more upsetting than the occupation’s control over a sacred part of your land ordering and choosing who can or cannot enter it” Halawani said commenting on the Aqsa banishment policy pursued by the Israeli occupation regime.

“Just like a thief who stay in your house against your will and then force you to leave it” she added.

She is one of Palestinian women who voluntarily remain at the Aqsa Mosque to watch over it in an effort to protect it against Israeli intents to Judaize the place.

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