Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian injured detainee denied contact with her family

Saturday 28-March-2020

Family of the Palestinian detainee Israa Ja’abis on Saturday said that they have been prevented from communicating with their injured daughter by the Israeli occupation authorities even through phone calls for over three weeks.

Ja’abis’s sister said that the Israeli occupation authorities three weeks ago decided to suspend family and lawyer visits due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Even phone calls have been banned she added denouncing this unjustified measure which has nothing to do with preventing the spread of coronavirus.

Ja’abis’s family expressed concern over their daughter’s health condition and called on human rights organizations to intervene to pressure the Israel Prison Service to allow them to check on Israa and ensure that it is taking the necessary measures to protect her and other detainees from the pandemic.

Israa Ja’abis 32 a resident of Jabal al-Mukabber village in Jerusalem and a mother of one child is serving an 11-year sentence in Israeli jails on charges of attempting to kill an Israeli soldier.

On 11 October 2015 a gas cylinder used for cooking exploded in the back seat of Ja’abis’s car near an Israeli checkpoint in Jerusalem burning over 50% of her body. She was sent to prison even before she completed her treatment and her health condition keeps worsening every new day.

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