Sat 28-September-2024

Hamas urges ICC to provide justice for Palestinian victims

Thursday 15-June-2023

The Hamas Movement has called on the International CriminalCourt (ICC) to provide justice for the victims of the Israeli occupation state’sterrorism and launch an official investigation into what is happening in Palestine.

In a statement on Thursday Hamas’s legal departmentexpressed hope that the strategic plans that were announced recently by ICCcould provide effective legal means and remedies for the victims of the ongoingIsraeli terrorism especially with regard to settlement activity and thesystematic killings of civilians.

The legal department also stressed the need for ICC to bemore responsive to the requirements of achieving justice for the Palestinianpeople in accordance with its strategic plans for 2023-2025.

On June 14 2023 ICC officially launched four strategicplans for the period of 2023-2025.

The plans reassert the Court’s pledge to act with integrityand respect for the Rome Statute in all of its activities and acknowledge thecrucial role of its staff in the achievement of its mission.

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