Sun 8-September-2024

Hamas: Israel’s displacement of Sob Laban family “ethnic cleansing”

Friday 11-August-2023

The Hamas Movement has condemned the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for evicting the family of Sob Laban from its home in the Old City of Jerusalem and giving it to Jewish settlers describing the measure as an “escalation of the ethnic cleansing policy against the Palestinian people in the holy city.”

In press remarks on Tuesday Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem called the Israeli expulsion of a Jerusalemite family from its home as “part of the Zionist war on the Arab identity of Jerusalem and part of the religious war on the Palestinian holy sites.”

The spokesman called on the international community and its institutions to take clear and concrete steps against Israel’s ethnic cleansing crimes in Jerusalem.

Extremist Jewish settlers seized on Tuesday morning the house of the Sob Laban family in Aqabat al-Khalidiya neighborhood in the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem after Israeli police forces stormed it evacuated it from its Palestinian owners and arrested activists who rallied there in solidarity with the family.

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