Fri 20-September-2024

Health conditions of prisoners Akhras and Fasfous “extremely worrying”

Thursday 14-September-2023

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees&rsquo and Ex-Detainees&rsquo Affairs has described the health conditions of hunger-striking prisoners Maher al-Akhras and Kayed al-Fasfous as &ldquoextremely worrying.&rdquo

In a statement on Thursday the Commission said that the Israeli occupation authority continues to detain these two prisoners under harsh incarceration conditions and maltreat them in order to break their will and force them to end their hunger strike.

According to the Commission 52-year-old Maher al-Akhras from Silat al-Dhahr town in Jenin has been on hunger strike for 23 days in protest at his administrative detention.

Akhras suffers now from pains throughout his body including his heart and stomach as well as severe dizziness and physical weakness. He already suffers from hypertension and refuses to take medication or any vitamins in order to pressure Israeli jailers to end his detention.

Akhras was kidnaped from his home in Silat ad-Dhaher town on August 23 2023 and has been held since then under an administrative detention order with no indictment or trial.

Akhras’s last hunger strike in 2020 which continued for 103 days drew widespread local and international solidarity.

As for prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous he started his hunger strike over 40 days ago and suffers from physical pains extreme fatigue and dizziness and failure to stand and move according to the Commission.

Fasfous from Dura town in al-Khalil has been in administrative detention since May 2nd 2023. He is an ex-detainee who spent about seven years in different Israeli jails.

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