Fri 4-October-2024

Urgent Call to Parliaments and Parliamentarians Worldwide

Monday 9-October-2023

The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has addressed an urgent message to the world parliaments detailing the ongoing savage Israeli aerial aggression on Gaza Strip that killed hundreds and maimed and injured thousands.

It said that Israel is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity by bombing innocent civilians wiping out entire families and targeting civilians targets including hospitals and schools.

The PLC message sent on Monday asked for parliamentary solidarity and for urging the world community to break its silence in addition to supporting the struggle and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

Here follows the full text of the message:

His/Her Excellency

The Israeli occupation is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during its current aggression on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have targeted innocent Palestinian civilians including children women elderly and entire families using internationally prohibited weapons such as phosphorous bombs and others. Additionally Israeli military aircraft have bombed many civilian homes residential towers and populated areas resulting in horrifying massacres. Mosques UNRWA schools hospitals and essential service buildings have also been subjected to shelling. The Israeli authorities have not stopped at these civilian atrocities they have also closed crossings preventing the entry of food medicine and basic necessities into Gaza. They have cut off electricity and water supplies constituting serious crimes against humanity.

Blatant Violations of International Laws and Conventions including:

1. Article 51 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions (Civilians shall enjoy general protection against the dangers arising from military operations and shall not be the object of attack and acts of violence and threats against them are prohibited).

2. Article 3 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (The taking of hostages and violence to life and person are prohibited).

3. Article 54 of the First Additional Protocol paragraph 1 (Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited).

4. Deliberate targeting of places of worship violates Article 53 of the First Additional Protocol (Attacks against historical monuments works of art or places of worship are prohibited).

5. Deliberate targeting of civilian objects contradicts Article 52 of the First Additional Protocol (Civilian objects shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals and attacks shall be limited to military objectives only). Perpetrators of these crimes must be held accountable on an international level.

In light of the clear violations by the Israeli occupation authorities of all international agreements treaties conventions and laws we on behalf of the Palestinian people demand the following:

1. Pressure the international community and international organizations to break their silence and take immediate action to halt the Israeli occupation’s aggression on Gaza.

2. Call for necessary parliamentary actions and resolutions within the framework of parliamentary responsibilities both legal and ethical to support and stand with the Palestinian people.

3. Demand the establishment of a serious legal process at the International Criminal Court to prosecute the Israeli authorities for their massacres against the people of Gaza.

4. Emphasize the illegitimacy of settlements and condemn the occupation for them as stated in numerous international resolutions.

5. Support the Palestinian people’s struggle and rally around their legitimate resistance through all possible means in accordance with international law.

Finally we issue an urgent call to activate all components of the Arab and Islamic nations and free people of the world to support the Palestinian people against the Israeli aggression targeting land people and sanctities.

The Palestinian Legislative Council
Monday October 9 2023

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