Wed 3-July-2024

Palestinian child loses his eye in IOF shooting in Nablus

Monday 26-June-2023

A five-year-old Palestinian child has lost his eye after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired live bullets at him to the northwest of the West Bank city of Nablus last Friday.

Local sources told the PIC correspondent that the Palestinian child Khalid Malalha was injured in the eye after IOF soldiers fired live bullets at Palestinian vehicles near the entrance of Bizzariya village.

They underlined that the child underwent several eye surgeries but to no avail adding that his eye was finally removed.

For his part Khalid’s father told the PIC that his son was injured last Friday while they were heading towards Bizzariya village where clashes had erupted between the IOF and Palestinian youths.

The father wondered what crime did his five-year-old child commit to be fired at and to lose his eye.

Suhad Tobasi an activist said “What did this child do to the soldiers. He was riding with his dad when soldiers decided to shoot at the cars at his home village. His only fault that he is a Palestinian child and he has to suffer from this crazy occupation whose military is funded by the American tax payers.”

“Nobody will see this story around the world because this child is not Israeli child. But let Palestinian children suffer and lose their eyes and their lives because there is no justice in this world anymore” she added.

For his part Professor Zaher Kuhail commenting on the incident described the IOF soldiers as “war criminals”.

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