Mon 1-July-2024

Mohammad Balawi

Fueling Palestinian communal violence is a policy for displacement

The Palestinian community within what is known today as the state of Israel was devastated on 8 June by a heinous crime in Nazareth that claimed the lives of five innocent people including children.

Israel is in a downward spiral of self-destruction

The sight of Israeli police storming the holy mosque of Al-Aqsa with their boots and batons beating worshippers amid clouds of tear gas was appalling. Hundreds of Palestinians were bound and driven away like cattle in the most inhumane way.

Israel doesn’t need enemies

e situation in Israel is bleak. Benjamin Netanyahu ousted his defense minister who warned of an armed forces mutiny in the making.

The Zionist state and Zionist militancy

Where and when does history begin? And who decides? This is a crucial point when it comes to the conflict in Palestine due to the conflicting narratives.

Netanyahu’s idea of workable peace excludes Palestinian independence

Benjamin Netanyahu has always been an open book. Although the Israeli prime minister is skilled at twisting facts and rewriting history when necessary he has been very clear on his relations with the Palestinians since day one.

America is ‘deeply troubled’ so what?

Ned Price the spokesman for the United States Department of State said his country is “deeply troubled” over Israel’s intentions to legalize more illegal Israeli Jews-only settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Letter to my European friends

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged the European Parliament last week to support his country in the fight against Russia.

Rewarding Israel for its crimes

When Palestinian boy Muhammad Aliwat 13 from Silwan in occupied Jerusalem shot at a group of five Israeli settlers recently he wounded two of them one of whom was an off-duty paratrooper.

Who really sets the Israeli government’s agenda?

At least 30 Palestinians including three children have been killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank this month alone. A number of the killings were recorded on video and at least one was killed for no reason at all other than being a Palestinian.

Netanyahu insists that the main issue is Iran

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) sent its President Betsy Korn CEO Howard Kohr and Israel Director Cameron Brown to the occupation state on 17 January.

Bibi and his associate Itamar Ben-Gvir

No sooner than former Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid left the podium Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) and his ministers started “ruining” Israel contrary to Lapid’s warning.

Turning Israel into a Jewish theocracy

Benjamin Netanyahu the longest serving prime minister of Israel built his entire career on confronting Iran.

Netanyahu redefines Israel

The results of the last round of Israeli elections must have represented a big blow to US hopes and efforts as they placed their bets on the former caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

The Jerusalem Declaration revisited

With Israel in its eighth decade many worries and fears haunt its people. The curse of the eighth decade has become an obsession for the Israeli political elite which is no surprise in a state based on religious mythology; it is bound to continue in the same vein.

What does the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ actually mean?

A linguistic analysis of the “Jerusalem Declaration” signed by US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on 14 July exposes the nature of the document.

Does the Middle East really need another NATO?

US President Joe Biden’s upcoming visit to the Middle East has generated a lot of discussion in the region not least because he has said that he will initiate a security coalition between Israel and some Arab countries to confront any destabilizing threats.