Sat 14-September-2024

Palestinian Heritage

Israel’s seizure of Sebastia symbolizes its theft of Palestine’s cultural sites

Taking over Palestinian historical sites and turning them into Israeli tourist attractions is just another way the occupation grabs land. UNESCO must step in to save Tel Sebastia.

Crushing the historical identity of Gaza, terrorism that arose from historical substitution

The demolition of the Grand Mosque in Khan Yunis, one of the oldest mosques in the Gaza Strip that was destroyed by the Israeli occupation army with premeditation, was nothing but a new witness to the fascist and racist structure of Israel.

A Lifeline in Starving Gaza: The role of Tekiyyah amidst the ongoing Israeli genocide

Hundreds of displaced Palestinians lined up in front of the Tekiyyah, or charity kitchen, in the city of Deir Al-Balah, waiting in long queues for their daily free meal cooked by a group of volunteers.

Inclusion of Tell Um Amer on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Tell Um Amer in the Gaza Strip has been included on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger, according to an announcement by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

IOF destroys the second largest historical mosque in Gaza

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) destroyed the second largest historical mosque in Gaza, turning it into rubble, Quds Press reported.

Israel has destroyed Gaza’s heritage sites, but it cannot erase my memories of them

We rebuilt the Great Omari Mosque after its destruction in 1917; Palestinians will rise from under the new rubble and rebuild once more

Eid al-Adha arrives without ceremony as Israeli genocide hangs over Gaza

Rasmiyyah Eid was supposed to be in Saudia Arabia performing the ritual pilgrimage, or hajj. Instead, she is trapped in the beleaguered Gaza by the ongoing Israeli carnage since October 2023.

Tel Zu’rub: An ancient neighborhood in Rafah targeted by IOF

With increased killings, destruction, incursions, and targeting of archaeological sites, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continue to defy the International Court of Justice's order to cease their aggression on Rafah.

Amid genocide in Gaza, kites are a lifeline for children

“It’s flying higher and higher!” shouts eight-year-old Ahmad Malaka, his kite soaring in the sky above him.

Historic building of Al Khalil municipality seized, doors closed by IOF

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) closed the doors of the old building of al-Khalil Municipality in the West Bank, in the Ain Askar area in the city center, in preparation for seizing it.

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