Sat 21-September-2024

Al-Aqsa in Danger: Will Arabs and Muslims take action to confront the existential threat?

Saturday 21-September-2024


Research centers and experts on Jerusalem have warned about the dangers of treating the current season of Zionist threats to Al-Aqsa Mosque as just another annual cycle of attacks, as seen in previous years. This time, they stress, “we are facing an existential threat that could affect the very essence and existence of Al-Aqsa Mosque itself.”

They pointed out that the first anniversary of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, which will take place on October 24 in the Hebrew calendar, holds great significance for the religious Zionism movement, which controls the Israeli government. They emphasize that extremist temple groups will likely mark this day as an opportunity for revenge, given that it coincides with the anniversary of the Palestinian resistance’s incursion into the Gaza border areas on the same morning last year.

Al-Aqsa: The gateway to the decisive battle
Ziad Ibhis, a researcher specializing in Jerusalem affairs, explained to the Palestinian Information Center that Al-Aqsa represents the gateway to the decisive battle. Religious Zionism views it as the most critical front to conquer, believing that its capture will open the door to victory on all other fronts. Therefore, the battle for Al-Aqsa is seen as an existential one, where defeat for the Zionists would lead to despair and ruin.

Ibhis added that religious Zionism considers the construction of the so-called “Third Temple” on the site of Al-Aqsa as central to their goals, seeing it as a missing component necessary for their state to receive divine blessing and salvation. Consequently, they aim to completely transform Al-Aqsa, using a strategy that consists of three stages: temporal division, spatial division, and the symbolic foundation of the temple, all of which would eventually lead to its physical establishment.

He highlighted that the “symbolic foundation” of the temple has been the main focus of religious Zionist efforts before the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, with attempts to impose religious rituals from synagogues around the world onto the site, revive sacrificial worship inside the mosque, and introduce religious artifacts. These provocations ultimately led to the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Flood during the long season of Jewish holidays, which religious Zionism exploits to escalate its aggression against the mosque.

Ibhis noted that over the past four decades, five major uprisings have erupted in defense of Al-Aqsa during these Jewish holiday seasons. He warned that, with increasing efforts to erase the mosque’s identity, the ongoing aggression in the West Bank, and the continued war on Gaza, another uprising is likely. Furthermore, with the Hebrew anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood approaching on Friday, October 25, it is possible that Israeli leadership will seek to launch a new multi-front assault on October 24 and 25.

He warned that this coming holiday season could witness the most severe assault on Al-Aqsa yet, including repeated public blowing of the shofar, displays of religious rituals, further attempts to encircle the mosque, and efforts to build a sukkah (a ritual hut) in the mosque’s eastern courtyard. There will also be displays of Israeli police dominance and interference in the mosque’s administration and its custodians.

Ibhis sent a message to the Arab and Muslim world, urging individuals and groups to prepare for the coming battle for Al-Aqsa and not to spare any effort in devising strategies to defend it. He stressed that this is an existential battle.

Zionists exploit Arab and Muslim inaction
Dr. Abdullah Marouf, an academic specializing in Jerusalem affairs, agrees with this assessment. He emphasized that Al-Aqsa Mosque is currently facing an existential battle in every sense of the word. The upcoming season holds grave significance for religious Zionism and right-wing extremist groups in Israel and beyond. These groups believe that the region is now ripe for a religious conflict over the coming of the Messiah, and they view Al-Aqsa as the key location for realizing their project, taking advantage of the unprecedented official and popular Arab and Muslim inaction regarding the mosque’s protection.

In a piece cited by the Palestinian Information Center, Marouf argued that it is imperative to resist the occupation and its settlers through all available means. He called on Jerusalemites, as the first line of defense, along with Palestinians inside the Green Line and in the West Bank, to take up the responsibility of defending Al-Aqsa. He also urged Muslims worldwide to hold their governments accountable and push them to take real action to protect the mosque, rather than merely issuing statements of condemnation.

Areas of Action: A mobilization campaign
A policy assessment from the Al-Quds International Foundation concluded that Al-Aqsa is facing an unprecedented existential threat since its occupation, necessitating a full-scale defense effort. This should involve all forms of resistance, not just from Palestinians but also from the surrounding Arab nations and the wider Muslim world. Pressure should be exerted on Arab governments to take any positive action possible and to halt the erosion of their political positions.

The assessment called for launching the largest awareness and mobilization campaign in history to defend Al-Aqsa, starting now and continuing until October 25.

Hamas calls for mass mobilization
In a press release, Hamas condemned the increasing settler incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, their provocative tours, and the performance of Talmudic prayers under the protection of the Israeli army. Meanwhile, Palestinians face restrictions on entering the mosque. Hamas emphasized that these actions are part of an Israeli strategy to divide the mosque spatially and temporally, asserting control and furthering the process of Judaization.

The Movement called on Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and inside the Green Line to increase their presence at Al-Aqsa, remain steadfast, and thwart all Israeli plans aimed at altering the mosque’s identity. Hamas vowed that its resistance forces would escalate their response to defend Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and all occupied Palestinian territories.

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