Fri 20-September-2024

IPS deprives Palestinian prisoners in Negev of basic needs

Saturday 4-February-2023

The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) continued to punish 68 Palestinian prisoners held in section 6 in the Negev desert prison on Saturday isolating them and depriving them of warm clothes and blankets.

In a press statement on Saturday the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said that the prisoners suffer from severe cold as the prison is located in the desert pointing out that a big number of the prisoners are old or sick.

The PPS stressed that the prisoners have not had a shower since the 28th of January adding that they are subjected to strict measures and repeated stormings.

It held the IPS responsible for the lives of the Palestinian prisoners calling on the International Committee of the Red Cross to intervene urgently and end the suffering of the prisoners.

Earlier on the 28th of January the IPS transferred the 68 Palestinian prisoners from section 8 to section 6 in Negev prison after storming the section and attacking the prisoners.

1300 Palestinians are held in the Negev desert prison.

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