Thu 4-July-2024

Hamas mourns the five martyrs in Jericho

Monday 6-February-2023

The Hamas Movement has mourned the death of five Palestinian young men who were killed during armed clashes at dawn Monday with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in the West Bank city of Jericho.

“Our Palestinian people will continue resisting the Israeli occupation and will not be deterred by its crimes” the Movement said hailing the bravery of the Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank especially in Jericho.

The IOF assassinated five Palestinian resistance fighters in Aqabat Jabr refugee camp southwest of Jericho and injured two others after storming a building in the camp.

It also kidnaped eight Palestinian citizens including the senior Hamas official Shaker Amara who was arrested from his home in Aqabat Jabr camp.

The raid came in an attempt to arrest the Palestinian resistance fighters who carried out the shooting attack at a restaurant at the Almog Junction south of Jericho ten days ago.

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