Thu 4-July-2024

Hamas: Israel has no legitimacy over any part of Palestine

Monday 15-May-2023

The Hamas Movement has said that the Palestinian people is commemorating the 75th anniversary of their painful Nakba (catastrophe) in the wake of another round of confrontation with the Israeli occupation state which they fought alongside their resistance in the Gaza Strip.

“During the Free People’s Revenge battle [our Palestinian people] proved that they were able to defend their national rights avenge the martyrs’ blood and make the occupation pay the price for its crimes against our people land and holy sites” Hamas said in a statement on Monday.

“75 years have passed since the occupation started on our blessed Palestine during which this occupation has committed the most heinous massacres and crimes and escalated its war and aggressive plans however it did not succeed in cauterizing the consciousness of the Palestinian people who continue to uphold and defend their land and rights and refuse any attempt to undermine their valiant resistance” Hamas underlined.

“We in the Hamas Movement are mourning our martyred leaders and founders of the resistance in Palestine and all the martyrs of our people who died defending the land and holy sites including those who were martyred recently during the Free People’s Revenge battle in the Gaza Strip.”

“The Israeli occupation has no legitimacy or sovereignty over any part of our blessed historical land especially Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque and it will never succeed in obliterating their landmarks or Judaizing them as our people will continue defending them with all-out resistance until they liberate Palestine from its sea to its river” the Movement said.

The Movement held the Israeli occupation responsible for the suffering of millions of Palestinian refugees at home and abroad stressing that their return to their hometowns which they were expelled from is a sacred and inalienable right.

The Movement called for necessarily providing a decent life for all the Palestinian refugees until their return to their native cities and villages.

It also urged the international community and the Arab and Muslim nations to increase their solidarity with the Palestinian people support their struggle and enable them to defend themselves and liberate their land and holy sites.

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