Sun 7-July-2024

Hamas condemns PA attacks against Palestinian students journalists

Thursday 3-August-2023

The Hamas Movement has condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA) security services for attacking Palestinian students and journalists in Hebron University in the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

In a press statement on Thursday the Movement strongly condemned the repeated attacks carried out by the PA security services against Palestinian students since Wednesday evening.

“Launching arrest campaigns and carrying out attacks by the PA forces against the Palestinian students constitute a grave violation of their freedom” the Movement stressed calling on the leadership of the PA to assume its responsibility and stop such attacks.

The Movement also called on all Palestinian factions and human rights organizations to work towards ending the PA attacks against Palestinian activists and students adding that the Palestinian people should be united while confronting the Israeli crimes.

Earlier today PA security forces attacked four journalists in Hebron University and vandalized their equipment.

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