Sun 7-July-2024

Dozens of Palestinians injured during clashes with IOF in Nablus

Sunday 20-August-2023

Dozens of Palestinian citizens suffered injuries on Saturday evening during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Beita town south of Nablus.

The Red Crescent said that its ambulance crews provided medical assistance for about 72 citizens who suffered from exposure to tear gas fumes and one journalist who was hit in his leg by a tear gas canister during skirmishes in the town.

The Red Crescent who dispatched multiple ambulances in southern Nablus added that one of its crews managed to evacuate a family of five including children from the car they were aboard as the IOF was intensively using tear gas during the events.

Meanwhile the IOF raided a mosque and a store in Beita to confiscate security camera recordings.

Earlier the IOF closed main military checkpoints in southern Nablus intensified its security measures in and around the province and its towns and forced businesses in Huwara town to close their doors.

The Israeli army put its forces on high alert and intensified their numbers in Nablus after two Jewish settlers were shot and killed at a carwash in Huwara town on Saturday afternoon.

Following the shooting incident the IOF kidnaped three Palestinian citizens from the carwash in Huwara.

Another citizen was kidnaped yesterday by Israeli soldiers at a makeshift checkpoint near Qalqilya as he was en route to his workplace.

In separate incidents on Saturday the IOF seized a Palestinian-owned concrete mixer as it was heading for the Arab al-Zuwaidin area in the Bedouin area of Masafer Yatta in southern al-Khalil.

Recently the IOF also confiscated a bulldozer and construction tools in Masafer Yatta as part of Israeli efforts to prevent local residents from building or renovating homes and drive them out of the area.

In Tulkarem a horde of extremist Jewish settlers assaulted on the same day employees and workers from the municipality of Qaffin town as they were working on rehabilitating the road leading to the towns of Qaffin and Zababdeh and other West Bank areas.

Local sources said that settlers forced at gunpoint the Qaffin municipal crew to discontinue their work and called in Israeli soldiers who helped them in their assault and seized a heavy-duty truck.

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