Wed 3-July-2024

Hamas mourns deputy speaker Ahmed Bahar

Saturday 18-November-2023

The Hamas Movement has mourned deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmed Bahar who succumbed to serious injuries he sustained recently in an Israeli airstrike.

In a statement on Saturday Hamas expressed its condolences to the Palestinian people the Arab and Islamic nations and the world’s parliamentary councils and unions and the world’s free people over the tragic loss of Ahmed Bahar describing him as a “great national leader.”

The Movement said that Bahar was martyred after he had witnessed the scenes of pride victory and bravery during the operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7.

“The great national leader (Abu Akram) has passed away as a martyr after a career full of sacrifices struggle and remarkable parliamentary work in service of the Palestinian people their legitimate resistance and their just cause” the Movement added.

In another statement Hamas extended to the Palestinian people its condolences over the martyrdom of Khaled Abu Hilal secretary-general of the Ahrar Movement following an Israeli aerial attack on his neighborhood in Gaza City two days ago.

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