Thu 26-September-2024

Maarouf: Int’l organizations have no role in easing Gazans’ suffering

Sunday 26-November-2023

Head of the Government Media Office Salam Maarouf has affirmed that there is a complete absence of efforts by international organizations to alleviate the dire humanitarian suffering of the Gaza people “who have been facing barbaric Israeli aggression for about two months.”

In press remarks to Al Jazeera satellite channel Maarouf accused these organizations of not even fulfilling their obligations towards Gaza during the current truce.

Maarouf said that he had visited the bombed areas of Gaza City and seen the size of destruction pointing out that the ceasefire days revealed the magnitude of the genocide that had been committed by the Israeli occupation army away from the media.

The Palestinian official stressed that all the current efforts to document the Israeli crimes could not cover the horror of the massacres in Gaza and would not be able to convey properly what happened to the world because of the communication and internet blackout.

“The occupation forces dropped 40000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip and used different types of weapons that had never been used in previous wars” he said.

He accused the Israeli army of violating the terms of the ceasefire agreement through its persistence in not allowing aid and medical supplies into Gaza City and the northern areas.

“800000 citizens in Gaza City and the north have not received the basic assistance they need” he said.

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