Tue 2-July-2024

Israeli bulldozers demolish a house of Jerusalemite family

Wednesday 14-February-2024


Israeli bulldozers demolished on Wednesday a Palestinian house in the town of Silwan in Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian activist in Jerusalem affairs, Fakhri Abu Diab, said that Israeli police, accompanied by a bulldozer, raided Silwan town and proceeded to demolish his house in Al-Bustan neighborhood after forcing him and his family to evacuate it.

He added that he had received a demolition order against his house 15 years ago, under the pretext that it was built, 38 years ago, without a permit.

Abu Diab pointed out that police officers demolished his house as a part of the Israeli collective punishment policy against his family, who stands against settlement activity and expansion and land seizures in the Silwan neighborhoods.

Besides his own family, two families live in the house, he said, adding that 10 individuals have now become homeless.

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