Sat 27-July-2024

Massive protests in Arab countries in support of Gaza

Friday 29-March-2024


Many Arab cities and capitals witnessed marches and protests following the Friday prayer, in which thousands of protesters participated in support of the Palestinian people and to denounce the brutal aggression of the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip.


Tens of thousands of Yemenis demonstrated on Friday in the capital, Sana’a, and a number of Yemeni governorates in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The protesters raised Yemeni and Palestinian flags and banners, denouncing the genocidal war waged by the Israeli occupation army against the besieged Palestinian people.

12 Yemeni governorates also witnessed similar demonstrations in support of Gaza and in condemnation of Israeli crimes.


In Jordan, thousands of Jordanians participated in a massive march started from the Omar Bin Al-Khattab Mosque, in Zarqa Governorate, east of Jordan after Friday prayers.

The march was organized by the “Islamic Movement” and the National Forum for Supporting the Resistance.

Similar marches and protests also took place in several governorates in the country.

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