Sat 27-July-2024

Palestinian child killed, young man injured by IOF gunfire in Jenin

Saturday 30-March-2024


A Palestinian child was killed and a young man was seriously injured at dawn Saturday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Qabatiya town in southern Jenin, amid intensive gunfire.

According to a medical source at Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin, 13-year-old Mu’tasim Abu Abed, who died of a critical injury, and another young man with a serious bullet injury arrived at the hospital after Israeli forces intensively fired live ammunition during their Qabatiya raid.

Local sources said that undercover soldiers aboard a civilian car infiltrated into Qabatiya before clashing with local youths and resistance fighters.

Soon later, a large number of Israeli troops stormed the town, raided homes and spread in its streets and on rooftops of some homes and buildings, amid armed clashes with resistance fighters.

The local sources added that resistance fighters showered the Israeli forces with bullets and detonated explosive devices at their vehicles during the events.

Eyewitnesses said that Israeli soldiers prevented an ambulance from entering the town to evacuate wounded young men.

Meanwhile, the IOF kidnaped Samer Zakarnah and his son Mohamed from their home and ransacked other homes during its campaign in Qabatiya.

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