Sat 27-July-2024

Hamas calls for global movement in support of the Palestinian prisoners

Wednesday 17-April-2024


Hamas has called for a global movement in support of Palestinian prisoners, emphasizing that they are at the heart of the battle for Al-Aqsa and their liberation from the enemy’s prisons is one of its top priorities, as a gesture of gratitude for their sacrifices and steadfastness.

In a statement on Wednesday, Hamas said: “This year’s Palestinian Prisoner Day comes amid the heroic battle for Al-Aqsa, in which our people and their valiant resistance have been engaged in for more than six months, defending the land, principles, sanctities, and achieving victory for Jerusalem, the prisoners, and Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

The Movement explained that the goal of liberating “our heroic prisoners from the prisons of the Zionist enemy was at the heart of the ongoing battle for Al-Aqsa,” stressing that it will remain one of its top priorities, and that it will spare no effort to accomplish a deal that guarantees their freedom on the homeland.

It affirmed that the escalation of the occupation’s crimes and violations against the Palestinian prisoners, such as solitary confinement, deliberate medical negligence, strip search and humiliation, psychological and physical torture, and deprivation of basic human rights, are crimes that will not succeed in breaking their will. At the same time, the perpetrators will not escape punishment, and their crimes will not be subject to the statute of limitations, no matter how long time passes.

Hamas pointed out that the systematic and horrifying violations and brutal torture practices committed against prisoners and detainees from the Gaza Strip “constitute a war crime added to the series of sadistic crimes carried out by the Nazi occupation army against civilians from our people.”

It held the occupation fully responsible for the lives and safety of thousands of abducted detainees held in the West Bank since October 7 of last year, who are subjected to the most heinous forms of revengeful torture. It denounced the international silence in the face of the continued crimes of execution and killing under torture that they are subjected to in their places of detention, and called for intervention to save them and for their immediate release.

Hamas urged the Palestinian people, their living forces, and national factions in all areas of the homeland and abroad to unify their efforts, mobilize their energies, and escalate activities in solidarity with the prisoners and to support them by all means.

It also called on the Arab and Islamic nations and the free people of the world to launch a global movement in support of the cause of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Hamas called on human rights organizations worldwide to expose the Israeli crimes against prisoners and detainees from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the occupied territories, and to take effective action to pressure for an end to the Zionist enemy’s crimes against them, and to pursue their perpetrators in international courts and prosecute them as war criminals.

The Israeli prison administration continues to commit the most heinous crimes against prisoners inside prisons and detention centers, including medical negligence, torture, and direct killing, as 16 prisoners have been martyred inside prisons since October 7 until today, as a result of the horrifying crimes committed against them amidst intentional blackout.

The Israeli occupation army also exploited its aggression on Gaza to practice enforced disappearance against the residents of the Strip, by kidnapping them, arresting them, and torturing them to death.

There are more than 9,500 prisoners in Israeli jails, including 3,660 administrative detainees, 56 journalists, at least 80 women, over 200 children, and 17 deputies from the Legislative Council.

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