Sat 27-July-2024

Abu Obeida: In 200 days, Israel achieved nothing but massacres and destruction

Tuesday 23-April-2024


In his first televised appearance since early march, Abu Obeida, spokesman for al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas, said that “200 days since the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the criminal enemy still struggles to salvage its public image and save face.”

In a speech aired by Al-Jazeera satellite channel on Tuesday, Abu Obeida rejected the Israeli claims of success in eliminating and dismantling the Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza, calling such claims “a big lie,” stressing that the Israeli occupation army “remains stuck in the sands of Gaza.”

“In 200 days, the enemy has only achieved mass killings and destruction … and they will only reap more shame and defeat,” Abu Obeida said.

“200 days later, our resistance in Gaza is still as solid as the mountains of Palestine,” Abu Obeida underlined.

The spokesman emphasized that the resistance would not give up the fundamental rights and demands of its people, which are the withdrawal of Israeli forces, lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, and the return of displaced civilians to their homes.

Abu Obeida warned the families of Israeli captives in Gaza that “time is short and opportunities are few,” suggesting that the Israeli detainees could meet the same fate as Ron Arad (the Israeli airman who is still missing after being captured in Lebanon in 1986).

In response to other Israeli claims that ramping up military pressure on Hamas in Gaza would lead to the release of captives, Abu Obeida said that the “so-called military pressure on his Movement would only strengthen its adherence to its positions and make it more determined to protect its people’s rights.”

He accused the Israeli occupation government of procrastinating over reaching a prisoner exchange deal and trying to obstruct the mediators’ efforts to reach a ceasefire.

He expressed his Movement’s appreciation of every military and popular effort that supported Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, especially from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

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