Sat 27-July-2024

Hamas: Overwhelmed by our people’s steadfastness against Israel’s genocidal war

Saturday 25-May-2024


In a message to the Palestinian people in general and the citizens of Gaza in particular, the Hamas Movement has expressed feelings of pride and appreciation over its people’s legendary steadfastness in the face of the Nazi-fascist Zionist war of annihilation against them in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, 1948 occupied Palestine, and everywhere.

“The pen has failed to write, words are unable to express the magnitude of your support and generosity, and the entire universe is unable to reach the level of your fortitude and steadfastness,” Hamas said in its message on Friday.

“Hamas, its Brigade and its resistance are unable to reward your patience and sacrifice,” it added

“We have emerged from the womb of your suffering, pain, anguish and sacrifices. We have fought with all honor and bravery, seeing victory being written by your hands,” Hamas underlined.

In its message, Hamas reiterated that Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” represented a “strategic shift” and a “historical watershed in the Palestinian cause,” stressing that “the leadership of the resistance decided in the midst of the siege [on Gaza] to exercise its right to resist the occupation.”

Hamas also sent a special message to the women of Palestine, calling them “the best among women on this earth and the symbol of victory” and offering its gratitude, appreciation, and respect to them.

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