Sat 27-July-2024

Detainees Ministry: Gazan prisoners are held in secret jails and subjected to systematic torture

Saturday 25-May-2024


The Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees reported that the Gazan prisoners are held in secret jails where they have been subjected to systematic torture since October 7 last year, amid an unprecedented blackout.

The ministry revealed, in a statement on Saturday, that among the secret prisons in which Gazan detainees are held is the Sde Teiman prison in the Negev, which is well known for its cruel treatment of prisoners.

The ministry elaborated that the investigation process in Sde Teiman prison involves severe beating and various types of torture in addition to denying prisoners the right to communicate with the outside world, especially the International Committee of the Red Cross.

“Israeli occupation forces commit several crimes against Palestinian prisoners in general and the Gazans in particular, including crimes that amount to murder, in addition to pursuing sadist policies that impose harsh detention conditions, turning a blind eye to all international and humanitarian norms and regulations,” it said.

The ministry condemned the hideous crimes carried out in Israeli occupation prisons, holding Israel and the US administration fully responsible for such crimes.

It called on the international community and all international, human rights and humanitarian organizations to assume their responsibilities towards this serious issue, calling for opening an international probe into the Israeli crimes against isolated Palestinian prisoners.

The ministry also called for international pressure on Israel to open secret prisons and detention centers before international and human rights groups as well as allowing lawyers to visit Palestinian prisoners and check on their detention conditions.

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