Sun 30-June-2024

IOF kills Palestinian child in Jericho, wounds another

Saturday 1-June-2024


Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed a 16-year-old Palestinian child and injured another in Akbat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho on Saturday evening.

Local sources said that IOF soldiers raided the camp and opened fire at two kids who were near the western cemetery, killing Ahmed Walid Hmaidat, 16, and injuring another.

They said that the soldiers took away the two kids after shooting them and later delivered the body of Hmaidat to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

The Red Crescent said that IOF soldiers had blocked one of its crews from giving first aid to the two children after shooting at them.

The child martyr’s body was taken to Jericho Government Hospital, it said, adding that no information was available on the condition of the second kid, who is still held by the IOF.

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