Wed 26-June-2024

Hamas welcomes Spain’s announcement to join SA genocide case against Israel at the ICJ

Thursday 6-June-2024


The Hamas Movement welcomed Spain’s announcement to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Hamas said, in a press statement on Thursday, “We welcome Spain’s move and appreciate its great role in achieving international justice by prosecuting the Israeli occupation for committing the most heinous crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity.”

Hamas called on all states around the world to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel which persists in killing Palestinians and committing genocide massacres, turning a blind eye to the ICJ’s precautionary resolutions.”

Earlier on Thursday, Spain’s foreign minister, Jose Manuel Albares, announced his country’s accession to South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

“It seems that the implementation of the court’s precautionary measures against Israel is still far away,” Albares said in press remarks, elaborating that “Madrid intended to provide support to the work of the court.”

This makes Spain the second European country to join the ICJ’s genocide case after Ireland. It was also supported by Chile and Mexico.

Last December, South Africa filed a lawsuit before the ICJ against Israel for committing acts of genocide against Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip.

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