Wed 26-June-2024

Hamas welcomes Gaza declaration issued by D-8 member states in Istanbul

Sunday 9-June-2024


The Hamas Movement has welcomed the joint declaration issued by the member countries of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation following their extraordinary meeting on the situation in Gaza that was held in the Turkish City of Istanbul on Sunday, June 8.

In a statement on Sunday, Hamas urged the countries of the Islamic world to make every effort to stop the Israeli aggression against the Gaza population and provide them with all means of support.

Hamas expressed its appreciation to Türkiye and other members of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation for holding this meeting on Gaza, calling on them to continue their effort to pressure the Israeli occupation and its supporters to end the ongoing war of genocide in Gaza.

The Movement also called on the D-8 member countries to support the efforts aimed at isolating and boycotting the Israeli occupation and hold its leaders accountable for their crimes in Gaza.

The joint declaration, issued at the end of the meeting of the D-8 Council of foreign ministers in Istanbul, demanded an immediate, permanent and unconditional ceasefire, the cessation of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and the immediate implementation of the relevant UN Resolutions.

The joint statement of the D-8 group called on countries around the world to ensure that Israel strictly complies with the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, which demand the Israeli occupation regime to immediately halt its attacks on Gaza and withdraw from the southern Gaza city of Rafah where people have sheltered from bombardments elsewhere.

Their statement also asked all countries to “stop supplying weapons and ammunitions to Israel that are used by its army and extremist settlers to kill the Palestinian people and destroy their homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and all their properties.”

The statement affirmed the unwavering support of the D-8 member states for the Palestinian people’s struggle for their inalienable rights, the full membership of Palestine at the United Nations, and all the resolutions related to the Palestinian cause.

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