Tue 25-June-2024

On Eid al-Adha occasion, Hamas pays tribute to Gazans, calls for supporting them

Sunday 16-June-2024


In a statement on the first day of the Eid al-Adha holiday, the Hamas Movement has congratulated the Palestinians at home and abroad, especially in the war-torn Gaza Strip, on this great Islamic occasion as they mark eight months of relentless Israeli aggression.

“The blessed Eid al-Adha holiday comes this year as our Palestinian people are being exposed to the most horrific and brutal aggression and war ever known in modern history,” Hamas said on Sunday.

“On this blessed occasion of Eid al-Adha, we stand in reverence and awe for our great Palestinian people, especially in the proud Gaza Strip, and we share with them their pains and hopes,” the Movement added.

“Every year, our great Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as well as across the homeland and abroad are filled with pride and dignity as they are struggling for the liberation of their land and holy sites,” Hamas said on Sunday.

Hamas also congratulated the Muslim nation on the Eid al-Adha occasion and the pilgrims in Saudi Arabia on performing their Hajj rituals, calling for making these holy days an opportunity to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, healing their wounds and provide them with every assistance possible.

For its part, al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, congratulated the Palestinian people and the Arab and Muslim nations on the Eid al-Adha holiday in a video clip including scenes of its fighters’ confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in different areas of Gaza.

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