Thu 27-June-2024

IOF brutalizes wounded youth in Jenin, uses him as human shield

Sunday 23-June-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) brutalized a wounded Palestinian youth in Jenin on Saturday. They placed him on the front of an Israeli military vehicle and used him as a human shield during their incursion into the Al-Jabriyat neighborhood in the city of Jenin in the West Bank.

Palestinian media outlets published a videoclip showing the injured youth lying on top of the military vehicle as it drove through the neighborhood’s streets.

Local sources reported the outbreak of armed clashes on Saturday between Palestinian resistance fighters and IOF soldiers after the discovery of the infiltration of a special Israeli unit into the Al-Jabriyat neighborhood in Jenin.

The special forces summoned reinforcements to the site amid heavy gunfire, before besieging a house in the Al-Jabriyat neighborhood and demanding those inside to surrender.

In his account of the incident, the wounded youth Hisham Saleit, who is being treated in the hospital due to his injury from two bullets, said that IOF soldiers opened fire on him and his companion, then ordered them to climb on top of the military vehicle, which drove them around the area before leaving him to bleed, without mentioning what happened to his companion.

According to local sources, the IOF burned a vehicle and wreaked havoc in the Al-Jabriyat neighborhood in Jenin during their incursion on Saturday morning.

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