Thu 27-June-2024

Hamas: Netanyahu’s comments on ‘partial agreement’ show he rejects Biden proposal

Monday 24-June-2024


The Hamas Movement has issued a statement describing recent remarks from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as showing that he only wants a “partial agreement after which the war would resume” and not the proposal the Biden administration “tried to market”.

Netanyahu’s positions are “a clear confirmation of his rejection of the recent Security Council resolution, and the proposals of US President Joe Biden,” Hamas said in a statement.

The Movement continued to insist that any agreement must include, “a clear affirmation of a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.”

“Our insistence that any agreement include a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal was necessary to block Netanyahu’s maneuvering and deception,” the statement reads.

Hamas called on the international community to put pressure on the Israeli government to stop its war against the Palestinian people, and demanded that the US administration take a clear decision to stop its support for the ongoing genocide against the Gaza Strip.

The Movement also called on the Biden administration to “lift the lid” on the Israeli crimes, which make Washington a key partner in committing them.

Netanyahu made the comments in a televised interview with Israeli media outlet Channel 14 on Sunday, where he also said that Israeli troops would be moved to Israel’s border with southern Lebanon as “the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah”.

But he cautioned that this didn’t mean an end to the war in Gaza, saying it would only end when Hamas no longer controls the enclave.

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