Thu 26-September-2024

Israeli army kills director of ambulance services in aerial attack in Gaza

Monday 24-June-2024


The Palestinian health ministry has said that Hani al-Jafarawi, director of its ambulance and emergency services in Gaza, was martyred last night following an Israeli airstrike on al-Daraj Clinic in Gaza City.

In a statement on Monday, the health ministry mourned Jafarawi, saying he and his fellow ambulance workers were an exemplary model of steadfastness, determination and sacrifice and performed their humanitarian role to the fullest in evacuating casualties around the clock despite Israeli attacks.

The health ministry in Gaza said it would continue to assume its medical and humanitarian duty despite the systematic Israeli targeting and direct killing of its cadres, pointing out that the Israeli occupation army had killed 500 health personnel so far and kidnaped more than 310 others.

The health ministry appealed to the international community and UN and human rights institutions to work on ending the Israeli aggression against Gaza and protecting its health system and workers.  

Civil defense and medical crews recovered last night the bodies of two martyrs, including Jafarawi, and a number of wounded civilians after an Israeli warplane bombed al-Daraj Clinic in Gaza City.

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