Tue 2-July-2024

Hamas: The conditions of Gazan released prisoners expose Israel’s criminality

Monday 1-July-2024


The Hamas Movement said the conditions in which the Gazan prisoners were released from Israeli occupation prions on Monday showing signs of emaciation, physical and psychological exhaustion, as well as obvious signs of torture, expose the criminal behavior of the fascist Israeli occupation government, which defies all humanitarian laws by committing war crimes daily in Gaza.

In a statement, Hamas referred to the testimony of the director of al-Shifa Medical Complex, Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, who was released earlier today, about the tragic conditions that Gazan prisoners have been experiencing inside Israeli prisons and detention centers, including doctors, the elderly, the sick, and the wounded.

Abu Salmiya said that they have been exposed to the most horrific practices and crimes, including torture, starvation, and insults.

The Movement stressed in a press statement on Monday that the ongoing Israeli crimes against defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip have exceeded all limits, and what prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centers are exposed to is carried out based on Israeli occupation government’s orders as part of its fascist policy to target and exterminate the Palestinian people with full support of the US administration, which is complicit in the Israeli flagrant violations of the international laws.

The Movement called on the international community, the United Nations, and the UN institutions to “work immediately to stop this massacre carried out by the Nazi occupation government,” stressing the necessity of “protecting prisoners and civilians in areas of conflict.”

Hamas also called on the International Committee of the Red Cross to take action and reveal the fate of thousands of Palestinian detainees who have been kidnapped by the Israeli occupation army from the Gaza Strip and forcibly disappeared in inhumane conditions.

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