Thu 24-October-2024

gaza prisoners

Thousands of Gaza detainees subjected to enforced disappearance

Palestinian Prisoners institutions said on Friday that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) subjected thousands of Gazans to enforced disappearance since the beginning of the war of genocide, specifically with the start of the ground invasion of Gaza.

Prisoner Omar Junaid from Gaza dies under torture in Israeli jail

Gaza’s Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees said on Thursday that Palestinian prisoners Omar Junaid, a 26-year-old from Jabalia in northern Gaza, had died last June in an Israeli jail as a result of his exposure to torture.

Hamas: The conditions of Gazan released prisoners expose Israel’s criminality

The Hamas Movement said the conditions in which the Gazan prisoners were released from Israeli occupation prions on Monday showing signs of emaciation, physical and psychological exhaustion, as well as obvious signs of torture, expose the criminal behavior of the fascist Israeli occupation government.

Prisoner Commission: Palestinian prisoners abused in Nafha Prison

Lawyer visits to Palestinian prisoners are purposefully blocked by the Nafha prison administration, the Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs Authority revealed on Friday.

Journalistic investigation uncovers egregious violations against Gaza prisoners

An investigation conducted by the American network CNN has revealed aspects of the violations committed by the Israeli occupation army against prisoners from the Gaza Strip held in a secret detention center in the Negev Desert.

Two prisoners from Gaza die of torture in Israeli jails

The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation announced on Thursday evening that two detainees from the Gaza Strip died en route to be interrogated in an Israeli detention center.

Sufian Abu Salah, arrested by the occupation with two legs, and came out with one

"With two legs I entered prison, and with one I came out." With these words, the released prisoner Sufian Abu Salah bitterly summarized what he faced in terms of torture and medical neglect during his detention in the Israeli prisons.

Euro-Med: Detainees kidnaped from Gaza faced grave Israeli violations

New testimonies received by Euro-Med Human Right Monitor from recently released Palestinian detainees from the Gaza Strip, including women and children, have revealed their exposure to torture and ill-treatment by the Israeli occupation army.

PPS warns of Israeli enforced disappearance against Gaza detainees

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) has warned against the Israeli crime of enforced disappearance committed against Gaza detainees.

Israeli aggression

Rights groups: 142 women imprisoned during Israel’s Gaza offensive, including infants

Israel has imprisoned at least 142 women and girls from the Gaza Strip, rights sources revealed.