Thu 4-July-2024

Abu Hamza: Israeli captives in Gaza attempted suicide

Thursday 4-July-2024


Abu Hamza, the spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement’s armed wing, Al-Quds Brigades, said on Wednesday that some Israeli captives at the Brigades’ custody have attempted suicide because of being neglected by their government.

“Some enemy prisoners have attempted suicide as a result of the extreme frustration they are feeling due to their government’s neglect of their cause,” Abu Hamza said in a post on X.

He revealed that the Israeli prisoners attempted suicide after the Brigades started treating them the same way Israel treats Palestinian prisoners.

Abu Hamza stressed that the decision to treat the Israeli captives differently by depriving them of their privileges came following the Nuseirat massacre, in which Israeli occupation forces killed 275 Palestinian civilians to free four Israeli captives.

“We will keep treating Israeli captives the same way Israel treats our prisoners as long as the Israeli terrorist government continues its unjust procedures against our people and prisoners,” Abu Hamza said.

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