Sat 7-September-2024

Hamas slams Washington for whitewashing Netanyahu’s war crimes in Gaza

Thursday 25-July-2024


The Hamas Movement said on Wednesday that Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu should have been arrested as a war criminal and handed over to the International Criminal Court instead of giving him an opportunity in Washington to polish his image and cover up his ethnic cleansing and genocidal crimes in the Gaza Strip.

“While the prime minister of the terrorist occupation government is leading a brutal war aimed at exterminating our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip … in a way that has never happened in modern history, the US Congress has received war criminal Netanyahu and listened to his speech, in which he repeated his cheap propaganda and lies that he had spread more than nine months ago before they were proven false and used them as a pretext to commit the most horrific crimes against women, children and elderlies in the Gaza Strip,” Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Netanyahu tried to play on emotions, twist facts and promote false narratives about October 7, while Israeli and international investigations confirmed the falsehood of these claims and that the Israeli army committed mass killings of Israeli civilians in the envelope of Gaza [at the time],” Hamas said.

Hamas also described Netanyahu’s talk about concerted efforts to bring back the Israeli captives in Gaza as a complete lie and misleading to the Israeli, US and international public opinion, accusing him of thwarting all the efforts that aimed at ending the war and brokering a prisoner swap deal.

“All the human rights and international reports affirmed that Netanyahu and his army committed mass killings and ethnic cleansing crimes in Gaza that had never been seen during contemporary world wars, used starvation as a weapon, and prevented the entry of aid, burned and destroyed the Rafah border crossing, and killed many humanitarian workers,” Hamas pointed out.

Hamas also accused the US administration of declaring its full partnership in the commission of horrific violations in the Gaza Strip.

“Through its persistence in providing the Israeli occupation with all means of political and military support and the government of Zionist terrorists with the cover they need to escape punishment and using the Congressional podium to whitewash the fascist war criminals’ hands that are stained with the blood of innocent children instead of holding them accountable for their crimes against humanity, Washington confirms its complete complicity in the appalling atrocities in the Gaza Strip — in the war of extermination, starvation and destruction of all aspects of life that is being watched and heard by the entire world,” the Movement said.

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